The silk road continues the Tibetans ride again
I was now to meet a more historical opponent a Northern Tang army under their revered leader Lee Sanders, Do not trust the Chinese as...
The Belgiam MEG Prophet and his games
Bienvenue chez The lonesome wargamer, mon projet personnel et passionné, plein d'informations uniques et intéressantes relatives au monde du jeu de stratégie .
I was now to meet a more historical opponent a Northern Tang army under their revered leader Lee Sanders, Do not trust the Chinese as...
So game 2 would see me face some strange African people who will claim I invade them ! I was to meet Richard Baliszewski's BEJA army I...
After some years away, I managed to attend Ribble Rumble at Manchester once again. The lure of the silk road was irresistible and I took...
That one would be a nightmare, once again LRR. How I wish that during some tournaments I would not meet twice the same lists .. Now Ray...
So now I was to meet senator Konstantinos Kyprios and a dreaded Late Republican Roman army . Due to the flexibility of the LRR army I did...
Now going for ...romans ! I wasto face some mid-republican romans under consul Konstantinos Malliaras Surprise he went for terrain and...
Having won the EMEGC I decided to play funny armies but not especially winners. The 3rd Athens Reckoning theme made for a possible heavy...
So I was to face Gilles and his Catalan Company in Anatolia. I knew it was to be a hard fight but I was not prepared for the trashing I...
So the next game was to be once again vs a Crown of Aragon army and Olivier Joucla as leader. Facing many times the same army sees to be...
Rueil's theme was "large" 1000+ CE Ok so I decided to have fun and an uncomplicated army with no hope of winning but just be there and...
Now the challenging SPARTAN army and an excellent player and friendly fellow player George. Both of us were in position to win the...
Sunday morning. Civil war as I was to face the other Early Achaemenid Persian Royal army. Ahura Mazda would decide who would win but one...
Now I was to face Ioannis Fasoulas one of the top Greek players and his feared Achean Trojan war army. I was tired, my glasses were...
Finaly the very first EMEGC I would not organise and so could take part freely. As the theme enabled me to use the EAP Rpyal army I...
OK so I was now to meet Olivier Joucla. Another french top player . He knew what to expect so he wanted very flat terrain but I...
Now was time to see if I learned something of my defeat. I was to face Pierra-Alexandre Joucla a good french player with a 100 years war...
I was using a late swiss army as I wanted a small army to play quickly and enabling me to still act as a referee . I never used it (...
Next I would face Roger's Late Vedic army, many chariots, bowmen some SUP and of course a few nellies. I decided I would need some...
This time I would face a Cimmerian mounted biblical shooty army under Huub's leadership. This one should not be too difficult for my...
Geneva is a small open MEG event run by Roger Pitfield. Usually 6 players . Thanks to covid there were 5 of us. For the first game I...