REG or Habsburg 1559-1609 meet the cossacks
So once again testing renaissance. This one would be interesting as we would put a regular heavy army vs some cossacks and we would test...
The Belgiam MEG Prophet and his games
Bienvenue chez The lonesome wargamer, mon projet personnel et passionné, plein d'informations uniques et intéressantes relatives au monde du jeu de stratégie .
So once again testing renaissance. This one would be interesting as we would put a regular heavy army vs some cossacks and we would test...
Back to MEG and this time Huub's Nikephorian Byzantines will meet a Later Sargonid Assyrian list ( George Pakos's list from IWC 2020 hy...
So now Huub who s still testing his army will meet longbows and pikes . I had one scouting card he had three but outscouted me only by...
So another test for the renaissance ruleset that should be published this year. I used an Ottoman army based on the dreaded Janissaries...
So we played the revenge. I had told Huub that he should have used the fact that most of his TUGs were drilled and so much more...
Commanding the classical indians, I was outscouted . Terrain was open, one protected flank by a river or a sea the other had some marshes...
As you can see a quite open terrain with an orchard occupied by some german grenzers . The german catholics did deploy in quite a long...
So on 6th december I met Huub's Nikephorian for another test battle . I had a good norman army, a sound plan but had forgotten one...
Su HUUB wanted to test his first Nikephorian army list and wanted a potential historical opponent and I choose Ghaznavid . He got to...
Hy, second test . I took some German Imperialist and HUUB some swedish devils . I had a plan which I changed when I saw HUUB's deployment...
Hy, back after a forced Covid pause and recuperating . With HUUB, I decided to test REG , ALASDAIR upgrade of MEG for wars from the 16th...
I played the Romans and Huub the Germans . He wanted a lot of terrain but as usual we got some open terrain . For once I got initiative,...
Once again a very flat terrain, once again outscouted ( by 80% )and once again the poor teppo will gloriously die for their overlord ......
So what is PACTO ! Pacto is a smaller version of MEG, with less units, a smaller gaming area ( 90 cm on 60 cm even less than ADLG ) , as...
I knew Olivier would use his armored swiss panzer unit, the dreade swiss keil with some very armoured knights . That one was also to be...
The Brussels theme was any army 1400 + . Below you will see the deployment of the Sengoku and the Indians The muslims had 2 strongh TUGS...
So we decided it was time to test some armies and concepts. Huub switched from a shock army to a shooty one and Jilu wanted to test a...
I took pictures a bit late but here we begin . I outscouted him by - from memory - some 80 %. he had a Bastarnae ally . Those guys are...
I was outscouted by 40 % and had to deploy 5 TUGs . The terrain you can see if rough terrain. My heavy infantry holds the center. The...
I used a Late carthaginian army under Hannibal's legendary command . An army I had painted more than 2 years ago but never used . PA's...