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The Belgiam MEG Prophet and his games

Bienvenue chez The lonesome wargamer, mon projet personnel et passionné, plein d'informations uniques et intéressantes relatives au monde du jeu de stratégie . 

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ACROPOLIS IN MAY 2024 another test

So this time I was to play Jean-Luc and face an early crown of Argagon so some knights better than my cavalry so what would happen was in...


Acropolis's tournament will take place in Athens So now is time to test a few possibilities, mounted, or welsh and their 80 fleet of foot...

IWC 2024 second game

After a first mitigated game vs a slippery mounted shooty army now enter the Catalan army in Anatolia under the legendary Gilles Wilgosz'...

REG another try Polish vs Dutch

A second game to test the rules with a different list . We would not play till the end as we do pay attention not to megise the game . As...

Mousquets et Tomahawks the awakening

After many years I finally had my first game of M&T ( second edition ) . I had the first edition, many miniatures painted but never...

Athens November 2023 second game

Now going for ...romans ! I wasto face some mid-republican romans under consul Konstantinos Malliaras Surprise he went for terrain and...

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