Ok so I would have to tackle pikes, lancers, cataphracts ....No easy game for my poor loose inca infantry but I would try to do as much damage as possible.

As you can see by yourself not terrain to hide in it would be a very difficult battle . My hope laid in the dispersal of the Seleucid might . No concentration of pikes or cataphracts but a puzzle of pikes and cataphracts. Would he be able to coordinate it all.
Knowing I would not be able to avoid contact I decided to concentrate my might on my left and hope for the best.

First moves

Sorry for the quality but as you can see I go for it. I hope to kill as many phalangists as I can with my bakamoro skilled shooters and go in with the guards
I am not to keen to sent my infantry vs his pikes so I am happy to let them come to me

King Bernard is ready and studies the situation

Here we go my SUP LS is nearing the bloodied phalanx

My slingers do try to slow the opponents, but they will fail and die .
To make a long story short as there are no more pictures, the phalanx will die and I will kill another TUG . I will also loose 2 TUGs when the cataphracts and the right hand phalanx will close in .
The game will end 8-6 in favour of Bernard who will win the tournament/event. My feeling is that he could have be quicker if he had concentrated his phalanxes in a big punch with the cataphracts who could have forced their way double move but it was not to be.

The quite front
Si I ended the "tournament/social event" with a mere 22 points . But I survived all games which was contrary to my expectations. What was more astonishing was the fact that the winner had a grand total of 26 point out of a possible 60 ...( or was it 28 ) . All I now is that we played 3h15 and I rarely hesitated so moved quickly and so did other players so ..why such low results ...a mystery
About my survival : most of my "concepts" did work . I wanted terrain to force my opponents who mostly used mounted or heavy infantry to manoeuvre ( hence a legendary CIC ) . I used my fleet of foot canari spearmen to rush towards enemy knights and the like to block them and the guards to face whatever came to them. The bakamoro skilled bow were highly successful either by killing bases or deterring opponents.
My opponents did seem to be full of perplexities when looking at my army and not knowing what to do. Also most seemed not to have a planof action and so lost time to organise their attacks
My guards and canari LS were mostly remarkably successful and I knew my infantry would struggle. The 2 melee expert TUGs did the job but the army being loose ..it cannot face and defeat a heavy infantry or heavy CL army so I had to use all I could to kill a few TUGs before my "common" infantry would die.
The mystery for me will be why did my opponents CL not charge my canari LS as at impact we were mostly green on green but at melee they would be on green and me on white ..and being unprotected they could kill me with their bows, PB, crossbows or simply they could sent their infantry or even deploy pikes 2 rank deep and go forward ..I would never be able to hold the line
Now preparing another mad and hopeless army