So in our quest for "new" armies for the Acropolis Athens tournament we became interested in two armies that do seem to have surprising resilience and mobility for European armies.

I was to face an early medieval Danish army or some strong infantry but with some interesting mounted TUGs which might be interesting in a 1000 CE-1250 CE tournament ( all books) and we wanted to avoid eternal PB , mongols and so on.
The game was never finished and we did not even have fights as we discussed tactics, strategy, and possibilities .
We felt we had learned enough to go to the next step which ould be games without discussing possibilities and that would be next games.

Huub invaded and outscouted me
2 or 3 outscouting cards/tokens are quite usual for MEG European middle-ages armies
The discussion that lasted 20 minutes was about the merit of being attacker or defender with our armies .

Deployment and coffee

So I deployed some loose TUGs in a vineyard but I feared the combined attack by the numerous Wendish contingent

The first moves . Huub sends his allies but he needs good cards to be quick and that will be a problem, especially with tribal units.

Meanwhile I was sending my drilled units to attack is weaker flank well weaker my LS had the advantage vs his knights but not vs his infantry I would have to manoeuvre and try to go for flanks

Manoeuvring to open the gates . My LS will push his mounted crossbow back and open a way for the drilled teutonic knights. I would push my foot LS towards his SUP mounted huscarls ( FARM, SUP, CL and melee expert ) . I was screening them with my mounted crossbowmen but we had to stop the game .

On the other flank, due to lack of nice tokens, the Wendish ally was slow but it would only last a few more turns
It was interesting to discover those armies we had never played before